People Helping People Take Their Next Step Toward Jesus

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

9:00am & 10:35am

What's Next?

March 16 - Don't Be Led Astray - Revelation 2:18-29 - Pastor Corey Kugle
March 23 - Wake Up! - Revelation 3:1-6 - Pastor Corey Kugle

Current Sermon Series 
Dear Church: The Seven Churches of Revelation

The Lord Jesus had some specific messages for seven churches in the first century. These messages included encouragement for the things done well, rebuke for areas where they did not please the Lord, and a promise of reward to the faithful. The messages to these churches though are not just for them. They are messages that can be applied to every church in every age, and will challenge us to honor Christ above all.

Read along with us and let your heart be stirred with love for Jesus as we move toward Easter! These passages of Scripture will help you to focus on the victory of Christ in His resurrection over these 40 days leading to Easter Sunday.

Mission Statement

People Helping People Take Their Next Step Toward Jesus


Visiting a new church can make anyone nervous but we have answers to your questions and would love to meet you on Sunday!


Learn more about opportunities to build relationships with God and fellow believers through fellowship and discipleship.


The church is made up of the people who come and faithfully serve the Lord together. Here are some ways to serve locally and globally.

Current Sermon Series

Building On The Essentials

In our study of 1 John, the Apostle’s purpose is clearly stated in 5:13, "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life."

John is writing that we can be assured that we have eternal life in Jesus Christ.  And we need to know that truth if we are going to live our lives for our Lord.

John is writing at the end of the first century, most likely from the city of Ephesus, which had become a powerful center for the gospel.  He writes out of his concern for the church at large, to protect them from false teachers who had left the church and were a threat to the Body of Christ.

The error of these false teachers was both theological (denying that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God) and ethical (believing that you can call yourself a child of God and at the same time live in sin). Today, the study of 1 John becomes more and more significant as these same errors continue to permeate our society.

Chapel family, as we study this great letter of the New Testament, we can be encouraged in the truth of God’s Word and therefore stand upon it, building our lives on the essential truths so as to make a difference in our lost society.  

We are committed to teaching God's truth, applying it in our daily lives, and providing many wonderful opportunities for children, students, and adults to learn, grow, and serve. 

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