Spring Quarter

March 2 - May 25

9:00am ABFs

Foundations (30-40s) 

Leader: Cameron Holt
Teacher:Ron Goldy
Subject: James
Room: 153
James is full of practical and challenging wisdom for believers of every generation. In this class we will be looking at biblical wisdom for Christian living as found in the book of James.

The Mix (40-50s)

Leader: Jess Mutschler
Teacher: Kip Wellin
Subject:  Identity in Christ
Room: 156
Our identity in Christ is foundational to who we are as Christians. In this class we will think through what the whole of scripture teaches about our identity in Christ, challenges to it, and how a right understanding of this doctrine can help us to live as Christ followers.

SALT (50-60s)

Leader: Jim Spicer
Teacher: Kris Neider
Subject: OT Survey
Room: 154
This Fall we will be doing an Old Testament Walk-Through. Starting with Creation and going through Flood, the Judges, Kings, and Prophets. We will look at all 39 books as we walk through the Old Testament

10:35am ABFs


Teacher:  Luke Young & Bill Wise
Subject: Marriage
Room: 154
This Spring we are offering a special six week ABF that will focus on marriage. Through this course you will get a biblical foundation of what marriage is and how we can honor God in it.

Koinonia (50-60+)

Leader: Ric Pawloski
Teacher:  Jeff Templeton
Subject: Biblical Finance
Room: 153
We will be looking at a Biblical theology of money. How should Christians view, steward, and be generous with this important tool God has given us.

Single Purpose

(Women who are solo on Sunday)

Leader: Lisa Fink
Teacher:Tim Pietrogallo
Subject: The Image of God
Room: 156
The theologian Herman Bavinck wrote, “The entire world is a revelation of God, a mirror of His virtues and perfections; every creature is in his own way and according to his own measure an embodiment of a divine thought. But among all creatures only man is the image of God, the highest and richest revelation of God, and therefore head and crown of the entire creation (Dogmatiek, 2:566).” Join us as we unpack what it means to be truly human!