Partnering with families to help children know, love, and serve Christ.
Children's Ministry is filled with life and excitement! Whether you're attending on a Sunday, or your kids are taking part in one of our other programs such as Awana or VBS, we're glad to have your kids here with us to learn about Jesus.
New to The Chapel? Pre-register your kids for Sunday Service and we will be ready to greet when you arrive!

Lyn Stoll
Children's Ministry Director
Lyn graduated from Indiana State University with a degree in music education. She has taught private piano lessons for more than 20 years and before coming to The Chapel, she was a property manager for a small real estate company. She has been involved with Bible Study Fellowship for 14 years and serving as the Children's Supervisor for seven years. She has a passion for young moms and children and looks forward to serving at The Chapel.
Interested in serving in our children's ministry?
We'd love for you to join our great team of volunteers!
When you come to visit on Sunday, bring your children down the hall from the Worship Center and into Park Place. We have classes for all age groups Infant-5th grade at 9:00 a.m. and Infants-3rd grade at 10:35 a.m.
You’ll be greeted by one of our friendly assistants who can help get your children registered, checked-in, and settled into their classrooms.
Parents, when you check in your child you will receive a tag that has the unique security code of the child checking in. If you are checking in more than one child, a single security code tag is used for ALL children so you do not have to juggle multiple tags. Please keep your parent tag. At pick-up, the classroom volunteer will need to see the parent tag that was printed out and will require that you show it to them in order to pick up your child. If you lose the parent tag, the volunteer will contact the children’s ministry staff and we will assist you in picking up your child.