Service Times
Sunday Mornings
9:00am & 10:35am
What's Next?
September 1 - Be Watchful - Part 2 - Mark 13:24-37, Pastor Corey Kugle
September 8 - A Plot, Perfume, and a Promise - Mark 14:1-11, Pastor Brendan Keener
Current Sermon Series
Mark: The Good News
Our world is filled with lots of BAD news. It's been like this since the first sin in the Garden of Eden, and our world has been longing for GOOD news ever since.
This GOOD news though isn't found in just a pithy quote or a "feel good" story. It's found in a PERSON, Jesus Christ. Come learn all about this GOOD news as we explore the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and why that matters for us.
Stories of Good News
Mission Statement
People Helping People Take Their Next Step Toward Jesus

Visiting a new church can make anyone nervous but we have answers to your questions and would love to meet you on Sunday!

Learn more about opportunities to build relationships with God and fellow believers through fellowship and discipleship.

The church is made up of the people who come and faithfully serve the Lord together. Here are some ways to serve locally and globally.