"so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,"

Colossians 1:10

Every woman of the Chapel is encouraged to seek the heart and mind of Christ by living to please Him, being committed to serve others in love and grace, growing in her walk of faith through prayer and the Word of God, and using her gifts to uplift and edify others. 
Women's Ministry Director
Jana Dunsbergen
The Women's Ministry Leadership Team:
Ann Brennan, Kasey Kugle, Amy Mitchell, Jessica Siefert, Justina Spicer, Joy Stemm, Jill Wise

What We Do

Contact: Tracie Wier
Contact: Jan Griffin
Meeting on Friday mornings at 9:15–11:15 a.m., and Tuesday Nights at 6:30-8:30pm. We are excited to gather together to study God’s Word with several in-person options. There is children's programming available for children 0-5 years old on Friday mornings only.
Children's programming  is not provided on Tuesdays.
We would love to have you join us and invite a friend or neighbor. 
May 6 | 6:00pm | The Buck
Contact: Ann Brennan
Ladies Dine Out combines both our need for fellowship and for food. We meet several times a year at different local restaurants. There is no need to rsvp, just come! Join other ladies from The Chapel as we sit around a table together to share a meal!
Contact: Jana Dunsbergen
Every year, we send Valentine boxes to our college students.
Contact: Jana Dunsbergen
Lake Ann Camp Retreats
Contact: Jessica Siefert
Let's Make a Meal is a branch of Women's Ministries which considers it a privilege to provide a meal for our Chapel family during a time of need.
Contact: Cindy Swearingen
This ministry is for anyone committed to pray for fellow believers from The Chapel who experience an urgent need for prayer. Needs are passed along by email as they arise.

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

Meeting on Friday mornings at 9:15–11:15 a.m., and Tuesday Nights. We are excited to gather together to study God’s Word with several in-person options. There is childcare available for children 0-5 years old on Friday mornings only.
Childcare is not provided on Tuesdays.
We would love to have you join us and invite a friend or neighbor. 

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.